Increase Sales on eBay up to 67.3%

Here you will find tips for business and private eBay sellers, how to improve your listings to increase sales.

Even small optimization changes will boots your listings visibility.

1. Understand How eBay’s Search Algorithm Works

eBay uses own search engine Cassini to rank listings and place them in search results.

Understanding how Cassini works and ranks listing results is a first step to increasing sales on eBay.

Cassini Algorithm takes many factors when searching for listings and gives rank score based on how well they performed. Few of the factors below.

  • Listing Viewed
  • Items Purchased
  • Listing Title
  • Product Specification
  • Item Descriptions
  • Seller Ratings and Feedback
  • Return policy
  • Shipping Policies
  • Delivery Times

All the factors are known only to people who works at Cassini. Doing optimization even to some known factors will make a big difference where the listing will display in search results. Because you only get one shot at a first impression, so do it right, do it the best you can.

2. Write a Good Listing Title

Writing good listing title is important. With a good title you will have bigger chance that a potential buyer will click on your listing and then buy the item.

Remember to write titles for people not search engines, title need to be relevant to the product.

A bad title: Sports shoes for sale

A good title: White Women's Adidas Tennis Trainers size 6UK

3. Item Specifications

Use as many specifications as you can. They are like keywords for searches and filters for shoppers.

4. Item Description

Description is the palace where you can present your items for sale and opportunity to convince visitors to make a purchase. Write clear descriptions. Using powerful descriptions will help your potential customers have a better idea of what you have for sale. Descriptions need to be accurate, clear and easy to read with relevant keywords. Don’t write long descriptions that contain irrelevant information. Keep it short, point to benefits, not only features.

USP- unique selling point will help to sale more.

Images can be deceiving, it is your responsibility to inform customers upfront what they will get: the length, width, height, weight, color. Adding extra information about item will help reduce the number of returns and will boost your profits in the long run. Having a well-written description will improve your conversion rates and help eBay to rank your listings in relevant searches.

You can boost your sales by using a HTML template in your description.

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